The world of change

The speed of which the world is changing is rapidly increasing. The climate, the society and business environment affect us all and the ability to quickly adapt has never been greater. There is a revolution ongoing as companies are re-evaluating their company values and behavior, they are rapidly changing from traditional hierarchy, static work and control management to flexible network organizations with dynamic work, employee trust and self-management. They are changing the definition of “work” from being physically in the corporate office, to the value created, independently of physical workspace as the digital workspace is where todays tools are. They are taking care of their employees and their customers as expectations are higher than ever. Change management is introduced as a permanent part of the corporate organization.

ZAPIAC specializes in supporting companies and authorities changing into modern competitive businesses and attractive workplaces. We provide expertise, tools and strategies to successfully guide our customers on their journey.


The employees are the life and soul of most businesses. Their degree of engagement has a direct link to the business’ performance. So how can you increase their engagement long term?

The attention of Climate Change and #Metoo has increased the need to look over corporate culture & values in general. How do we treat our employees and customers? What kind of leadership do we have and what do we want? How important are human rights and CO2 footprint? Are the values lived by or are they only stated on a piece of paper? How do we build a strong community with four different generations?

ZAPIAC provides help in form of expertise in behavior analysis, strategies and tools for implementation.

Work environment

The insight of how the work environment effects the culture and performance of a business, started an extensive movement to change the work environment to an activity-based workspace, using office space and digital tools effectively.

How do you cope new technologies? Flexible and global workforce? CO2 footprint? Work-life balance?

ZAPIAC provides support for changing your physical as well as digital workplace to fit your needs.

Artificial intelligence

A.I. has been proven to be a great tool to improve customer value and is rapidly being incorporated in businesses to get a competitive advantage on the market.

How are you using A.I. in your business? Do you have a strategy for implementation? Do you need support finding suitable applications to fit your business?

ZAPIAC provides analysis of your business, insight and support for implementation of A.I. for creating added value for you.

About us

”For enterprises going through transformation, ZAPIAC modern business concept provides sustainable long-term results because of its reliable and simple approach.”

ZAPIAC is striving to provide insight of big important trends and how to apply them into your business. Equally important is to contribute a positive difference in our society and environment.

We take on total entrepreneurship working with experts in every field for fast paced and flexible assignments.



Are you interested to know more? Please send us an email or give us a call and we will fill you in.

+46 733 7788 56

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